When life and work start to feel like every day repeats itself, you may start to think about travel. Maybe you have a place you like to go once a year, or maybe you love exploring new places, immersing yourself in new cultures is mentally stimulating and can have great effects on your physical and mental health. The benefits of travel are so many, it's good for keeping your mind in a dynamic movement of constant change. If you're feeling stressed at work, a vacation may be the best solution. Traveling can improve your mental health by helping you feel calmer. Taking time away from work to see new places releases the stress that has been building up. Relieving the tension and stress of your work life allows your mind to relax and heal. Being under pressure at work not only stresses the mind and body, but it also damages your physical health.
Living in nature brings an indescribable feeling of relaxation. Let's take a look at some of the health benefits that researchers have explored and scientifically verified.

June 2022 – Self-portrait enjoying a camel ride in the city of Cappadocia in Turkey.
Traveling Relieves Stress While missing a connecting flight or losing your luggage at a foreign airport is sure to increase your anxiety, traveling has been scientifically proven to reduce stress levels—and quite dramatically.
Traveling improves your creativity “Experiences abroad increase both cognitive flexibility and depth and integration of thought—the ability to make deep connections between disparate forms,” explains Adam Galinsky, a professor at Columbia Business School.
Make it personal When you travel, go where you want to go. Traveling for pleasure, not work, is the most rewarding. When you visit a place you want to go, you're more excited and your cortisol levels will decrease. However, traveling alone isn't enough. Galinsky found that travelers should have an alternate purpose; traveling with one or several secondary goals could be the perfect package.
Traveling Increases Happiness and Personal Satisfaction Most people tend to be happier when they travel and of course they don’t have to worry about work. However, one of the most interesting findings from a study by Cornell University is that people also experience a direct boost in happiness just by planning a trip. Three days after taking a vacation, travelers report feeling less anxious, more rested, and in a better mood. The study found that the anticipation of taking a vacation is much greater than the anticipation of acquiring a physical possession. Therefore, the benefits of traveling begin long before the trip.
Traveling Reduces the Risk of Depression Depression is unfortunately a major problem in our society. Millions of people around the world struggle with depression on a regular basis and it is not uncommon for doctors to over-prescribe medications for depression. Fortunately, there are healthier alternatives to escape the hopelessness of a depressive state and travel can be one of them. A study from the Marshfield Clinic in Wisconsin found that women who vacation at least twice a year are less likely to suffer from depression and chronic stress than women who vacation less than once every two years. Men who do not take annual vacations show a 20 percent higher risk of death and a 30 percent higher risk of heart disease. So, there are clear, scientifically backed health benefits to traveling the world or just your own state. Mentally, physically, and emotionally, you can gain a lot from packing your bags and visiting places you have never been. Making time to go to different places regularly can enhance the benefits you get from vacationing. Some people can feel the positive impacts of their vacation up to five weeks after they return. It can also improve your mental power. If you have chronic stress, your memory and ability to set goals are negatively affected. Taking the time to go somewhere and get away from work can help you feel more productive and focused when you return. This is because your brain needs time to rest. Getting out and exploring the world can boost your creativity. People who travel more may have diverse ideas. Exposure to new cultures, making international friends, studying new languages, and enjoying different types of food and music have all been linked to better problem-solving skills. Traveling helps you see the world in a new way. Having new experiences is beneficial for improving brain function. Whether you go to another country or get away for a long weekend in a nearby city, traveling can have a strong impact on the quality of your mental health.

June 2022 – Photo taken with a Nikon Zfc camera – Cappadocia, Turkey. For this photograph we flew in a hot air balloon and I managed to capture the sunrise at the exact moment when another balloon was passing by. In my case, in addition to having the opportunity to travel, I was able to combine it with one of my passions, which is photography.⇒
Being prepared and eager to travel is also good for your health. If you want to plan an international trip, try to practice the language beforehand.
Plan a vacation. Having something to look forward to when you make a plan creates happiness and excitement. When you take a vacation, pressure and stress are relieved and your mental health is strengthened.
Make it a habit . There are lasting effects of a vacation. People who travel regularly experience those effects for longer. After traveling, you're more likely to feel clear-headed and ready to take on what awaits you at home. That's why people are more productive after a break. Try visiting a new place every now and then and your mental health will be just as fine-tuned.
Explore new places . Learning new languages and going to new places opens your mind. Getting out of your comfort zone can be good for your mental health. Your empathy increases when you go to places you've never been and experience other cultures. This helps you feel more appreciative of your surroundings when you return home. You can make your travel plans big or small. They don't have to be expensive or exotic for you to get the most mental health benefits. The mood-boosting effect of travel lasts longer than the trip itself. While frequent travel can improve your mood and have a positive impact on your mental health, you can look back on your travels with fond feelings, and the reduction in stress and increased feelings of happiness after a vacation usually lasts about a month. Travel should not be seen as a form of therapy or a substitute for it, but it helps a lot and can sometimes be complementary. In any case, there is evidence provided by science to show that traveling always helps, physically and mentally, to find better and greater health and, as a consequence, the reduction of stress that causes many of our illnesses.
So when packing your bags, remember that you are about to implement an important part of your well-being, while learning, getting to know, enjoying and having fun for the sake of your health!
Written by: Luis Flores Photographer and Drone Pilot. Email: luiflorla@yahoo.com.mx Follow me on Instagram: @luisfloresphoto and @asombra_photo Website: www.asombraphoto.com